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  • Hard Reset

    Friday, September 23, 2011

    Hard Reset (2011/PC/ENG)
    Year: 2011 | PC Game | English | Developer: Flying Wild Hog | Publisher: Flying Wild Hog | 1.02 GB
    Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person

    HardReset will bring players unhappy future, where mankind, under thescourge of the tomb armadas murderous robots is on the verge ofextinction. The last bastion of hope for a bag of meat - a city ofbezoar (Bezoar), on the streets is the main character, veteran andskilled arrow Major Fletcher, will face two most dangerous enemies,the human race and know that it is not so simple arranged in this world.

    HardReset paints bleak cyberpunk to the usual picture of a highway - thefuture of humanity is on the verge of extinction, and eager to robotsthreaten to destroy the hegemony of the minority population of the humanrace. We are in this performance given the role of Major Fletcher, oneof the citys defenders bezoar (Bezoar), the last bastion of hope andsalvation for the survivors. However, at one point robots stillpenetrate the defenses of the city ... And then it begins a favoriteold-skulnoe mash-up using a variety of fantastic weapons and enemyarmadas participation, active looming in front of the gun. MultiplayerHard Reset will not only single player campaign, decorated with epicbattles with the bosses and screwed to the local armory systemthroughput.

    Continuous shooting and fast-moving - something for which valued the old-school shooters, youll find a Hard Reset.
    You have to break through the crowds of enemies and confront the powerful bosses.
    Elaborate system of setting and improvement of weapons for the bestoption for fighting with the gear mechanisms and other opponents.
    Although the Hard Reset has incorporated the features of classicshooters, it looks like a modern game: great graphics and superblighting are complemented by a total destructible and advanced physicalsystem.

    System requirements:
    OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7;
    Processor: Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon 64 with a frequency of 2.5 GHz;
    Memory: 2 GB;
    Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GS / ATI Radeon HD 3870 with 512 MB of memory;
    4 gigabytes of free hard disk space


    https://rapidshare.com/files/2105741065 ... .part1.rar
    https://rapidshare.com/files/2021206684 ... .part2.rar
    https://rapidshare.com/files/667543287... .part3.rar

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